Thursday 31 December 2015

Here I come - 2016

The new year is around with lot of promises, enthusiasm and  hope for the next better twelve months to have lot of new plans (could be some old undone and refined plans too). Here is my personal must follow list for the next year to make it one more memorable/at least not so disappointing year in my life. 

The root of suffering is attachment - Buddha

Stop Gossiping and stay away with the gossiping mongers
Enjoy the life as it is - believing every thing happens for a reason
Detach from Everything and be a free soul
Let go of yourself
Mind your own business -Avoid giving free suggestions
Talk less and work more
Read at least 3 books per month
Write at least 2 blog posts per week.
Time is precious - Don't waste it on petty things 
Visit new places that rejuvenate you
Stop worrying - Stay relaxed and calm
Learn to forgive - carry no grudge
Act/behave/do things that you like as if nobody is watching
Stick to the 24 hrs victory/Defeat Rule
Be fit and continue Exercise
Socialize with the old mates
Limit your mocking voice to your self
Have the never faded smile
Be Cool as always and get the anger to zero level
Embrace Only present - Stop deceiving yourself with the unpredictable future and Unalterable past

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