Tuesday 29 December 2015

Books - Add to Cart ?

Few years back to buy a good novel, I used to wait till Sunday comes in the month so that I can go to the local market and buy the novel. It was an hour commute to reach the market. On Sundays , it was like a book carnival with different vendors spreading the piles of books from the footpath to half of the main road leading to the traffic jam in the area. most of the books were already used by some other readers with underlined sentences in some part of the books. a good discount would always be on the cards if some bunch of books were bought together.

mostly the book vendors were rude and pan chewing type. they would shout the famous books names and waving the books in hand and calling the people who passed by. Though the books were old, already used still The book vendors were difficult to bargain. If you select a book and don't buy then they would make a face, some vendors even curse, if your day was bad and all the planets were against you then you would be given mouthful too.

But over the years the surge of the technology plus the online marketing has changed the face of the shopping. Now I don't wait for Sunday to get that extra discount. I can order my choice of book on any day and any time just with a click. All I need is a network connection with a decent mobile set.Now a days I am buying books only online because of the flexibility it offers in terms of money, time and choice. I generally take a look at various genres and pick some books among them. Check the author name and summery, if it is exciting enough and with in my budget then will buy it otherwise add it to the wish list and wait for the suitable time so that I can get the discount. Sometimes I add a lot of books to my wish list and later delete them if I am not in a mood to buy them with out contemplating about any vendor making a face and cursing me.

It gives me freedom and lot of choices to pick the best book. Even I could get a glimpse of the previous readers opinion/review if I am not sure about the content of it. I follow above process because I don't want to end up reading a bad book. Once I finish a book I should get a sense of satisfaction that the time and money are well spent.

Now, no commute, no struggle , no limitations. Open the app, pick the best book then an icon shows as if the imaginary vendor asking you politely... ADD TO CART ?

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