Thursday 31 December 2015

Here I come - 2016

The new year is around with lot of promises, enthusiasm and  hope for the next better twelve months to have lot of new plans (could be some old undone and refined plans too). Here is my personal must follow list for the next year to make it one more memorable/at least not so disappointing year in my life. 

The root of suffering is attachment - Buddha

Stop Gossiping and stay away with the gossiping mongers
Enjoy the life as it is - believing every thing happens for a reason
Detach from Everything and be a free soul
Let go of yourself
Mind your own business -Avoid giving free suggestions
Talk less and work more
Read at least 3 books per month
Write at least 2 blog posts per week.
Time is precious - Don't waste it on petty things 
Visit new places that rejuvenate you
Stop worrying - Stay relaxed and calm
Learn to forgive - carry no grudge
Act/behave/do things that you like as if nobody is watching
Stick to the 24 hrs victory/Defeat Rule
Be fit and continue Exercise
Socialize with the old mates
Limit your mocking voice to your self
Have the never faded smile
Be Cool as always and get the anger to zero level
Embrace Only present - Stop deceiving yourself with the unpredictable future and Unalterable past

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Books - Add to Cart ?

Few years back to buy a good novel, I used to wait till Sunday comes in the month so that I can go to the local market and buy the novel. It was an hour commute to reach the market. On Sundays , it was like a book carnival with different vendors spreading the piles of books from the footpath to half of the main road leading to the traffic jam in the area. most of the books were already used by some other readers with underlined sentences in some part of the books. a good discount would always be on the cards if some bunch of books were bought together.

mostly the book vendors were rude and pan chewing type. they would shout the famous books names and waving the books in hand and calling the people who passed by. Though the books were old, already used still The book vendors were difficult to bargain. If you select a book and don't buy then they would make a face, some vendors even curse, if your day was bad and all the planets were against you then you would be given mouthful too.

But over the years the surge of the technology plus the online marketing has changed the face of the shopping. Now I don't wait for Sunday to get that extra discount. I can order my choice of book on any day and any time just with a click. All I need is a network connection with a decent mobile set.Now a days I am buying books only online because of the flexibility it offers in terms of money, time and choice. I generally take a look at various genres and pick some books among them. Check the author name and summery, if it is exciting enough and with in my budget then will buy it otherwise add it to the wish list and wait for the suitable time so that I can get the discount. Sometimes I add a lot of books to my wish list and later delete them if I am not in a mood to buy them with out contemplating about any vendor making a face and cursing me.

It gives me freedom and lot of choices to pick the best book. Even I could get a glimpse of the previous readers opinion/review if I am not sure about the content of it. I follow above process because I don't want to end up reading a bad book. Once I finish a book I should get a sense of satisfaction that the time and money are well spent.

Now, no commute, no struggle , no limitations. Open the app, pick the best book then an icon shows as if the imaginary vendor asking you politely... ADD TO CART ?

Tuesday 22 December 2015

The One writing this post..

As a Person: A keen observer. Finishes all his work with dedication but not workaholic.  kind hearted. Easily hurt with love and emotions. Not feared easily. Have the " I don't give a damn " attitude. Cares about the family and close buddies. Ambitious and complacent too. feels emptied after achieving the each set goals. Prefers to have the work life balance. Doesn't like to judge others and being judged also. Always thinks on stepping onto others shoes, understands well. Half the time lives on the negative mood and god knows why ?, Creates some imaginary problems for himself and solves them also. Neither Introvert nor extrovert. More of philosophical and pragmatic. Always searches for the meaning of his life. Good listener but poor negotiator. Have mood swings from happy to moody. Believes in the 24 hr rule of enjoying either success or failure after that by gones are by gones.

Likes : Loves to have a quite time with myself. Wish to enjoy a good meal. A nature lover. wants to dress up neatly, loves to wear jeans and T- shirts,  Always wish to be in the company of people who are honest, jovial,not greedy, helpful and kind. Enjoys the booze parties with friends but not much of a drinker, tastes only beer and vodka. wish to be free- spirited.

Dislikes : if some one takes me for granted. Invading my privacy and making a mockery of my tastes and hobbies.Hate to be on the heavy traffic roads. Not in the mood to do things like shopping/ buying on peak hours.

Hobbies: enjoys reading books, used to play cricket as a kid but now lost the passion to venture out and play. Watches the movies that never bores you like the Christopher Nolan's. Learnt playing Table tennis after joining the first job and soon developed a liking for it.

When someone asks me, who I am then I can point them to this post.

Monday 7 December 2015

Resolution - a determined will ?

Till two years earlier, I had never believed and taken any resolutions on the new year eve.first time, I have tried it on 2014 by jotting down few things that I vowed myself to fulfill and I did reasonably well to stick to them.Confident with the success in the first attempt, I have increased my resolution list in 2015. Taking each point seriously for the first three months.

In the first three months:

Finished reading 5 good books, tasted good food, had fun with the close buddies over the booze parties, stopped and maintained a good distance from the gossip mongers. led myself free from all the emotions with i don't give a damn attitude. enjoyed each movement with a sense of gratitude.

Next three Months:
As I was making use of the time and energy on the present then a life changing and waiting from the past decade opportunity knocked (rather bulldozed) on my door. So, I had to resign to my current job and joined a new organization with in a month expecting the life would be smooth and more fun now on
But...As always, Life has other things in store for me....continued..

Sunday 6 December 2015

A Beginning !!!

I Welcome myself with the scintillating eyes to this new journey ahead in my LI[e]FE!!!!!